Refugee Services
Refugee Claims
Refugee claims start from within Canada, at a port of entry or at a local office. We can assist with your BOC (Basis of Claim) form or represent you at your IRB hearing.
Representation before the IRB
Claims will be heard before a Member of the Immigration Refugee Board of Canada. Prior to confirming a time and location of a hearing there is an opportunity for the claimant to make submissions, or present evidence, to use at the hearing. One can also call witnesses if need be.

Private sponsorship of refugees
The Private Sponsorship of Refugees (PSR) program is for two types of persons—Convention Refugees Abroad Class and the Country of Asylum Class. Those in Canada already are not eligible under these programs.
Sponsors can be Sponsorship Agreement Holders (SAHs), Constituent Groups (CGs), Groups of Five (G5) and Community Sponsors (CSs).
PRRA applications
If you are facing removal from Canada, you may be eligible for a pre-removal risk assessment. There are many exceptions to this rule, from a designated country exception to ineligibility due to the safe third country provisions. While PRRA approval rates are notably very low, this is an important service our office can assist with, as it stays removal.